... SET HEADING ON/OFF 设置LIST或DISPLAY时,显示/不显示字段名 SET HELP ON/OFF 确定在出现错误时,是否给用户提示 SET HISTORY ON/OFF 决定是/否把命令存储起来以便重新调用 ...
Set appropriate limits on phone use and provide a timer to help the child obey this rule.
It's hard to find someone as committed to helping other artists find success as him. And how can you not like someone who create things to help you set stuff on fire?
约翰·尤加- - -很难再找到一个像他一样帮助其他艺术家成功的人了,你如何能再找到一个像他一样为了帮助别人而赴汤蹈火的人呢?
Of course, to do this, you need to set up the serial console (see Resources for help on this) and you need a program that reads from the serial console.
Or, maybe speaking about the answer to the questions on the Problem Set NO.4 will help you to think this through.