...己觉得比较有用的地方通过点击采集控制区的Set In Point按钮 或者在Timecode 控制区中点击Set In按钮来设置入点(Set In Point)。
Set up the environment variable ROO-DEV in your system settings, which should point to the bootstrap folder within the Roo project.
在您的系统设置中建立环境变量 ROO-DEV,该变量应指向 Roo 项目中的引导文件夹。
The first point in a set lies at a distance equal to the segment length.
In the second set, she lost the first set. Match point in the second set, came back and save that, then won that second set.
It's much more relevant to set our zero point energy as the separation of a bond in terms of talking about the reactions that we'll usually be dealing with here.
And when that becomes relevant in a problem set, we'll point you at the appropriate documentation.
It's almost as if the entire point of a pastoral is that it is set in a world that neither the urbane poet nor the urbane reader has actually any real experience with.