...僳羔态黎仆窒 畦姿杉雨甫疽鞋茁村炬昭金 坡吵峙蓄浓穴舰抗苏观亨 易丹暑炊 结算系统 结算系统(Settlement and Billing System,SBS)的主要功能是根据电能计量 系统的电能数据、调度决策支持系统中的电价数据、运行考核系统中记录的考核 数...
Vendors have previously aspired to create this kind of system to smooth transborder billing and settlement between nonair suppliers and agents, and IATA was one of those vendors.
供应商很早就渴望通过建立一个系统,使非航空供应商和旅行社之间的跨行业结算更加便利和顺畅。 而国际航空运输协会就是其中的一个服务提供商。
Platform and platform design system administrator staff management model, platform staff can do personal information management, delivery operations, shipping operations, billing and settlement;