七年之痒 “七年之痒”(Seven Year Itch)是夫妻结婚七年后产生一系列矛盾的统称,一般指人们婚姻到了第七年,夫妻双方可能会因婚姻生活平淡、规律而感到无聊乏味,要经历...
... seven-year itch 疥疮 ; 七年之痒 itch scabies seven-year itch 疥疮 The Seven Year Itch 七年之痒 ; 袋装 ; 七年一觉飘香梦 ...
... 电影海报/装饰画/有框画/挂画/热情似火Some Like It Hot 电影海报/装饰画/有框画/挂画/七年之痒Seven Year Itch 电影海报/装饰画/有框画/挂画/十二怒汉12 Angry Men ...
... 电影海报/装饰画/有框画/挂画/热情似火Some Like It Hot 电影海报/装饰画/有框画/挂画/七年之痒Seven Year Itch 电影海报/装饰画/有框画/挂画/十二怒汉12 Angry Men ...
The Seven Year Itch 七年之痒 ; 唱片名 ; 七年一觉飘香梦
seven-year itch 七年之痒 ; 疥疮
The seven year itch dress 七年之痒
T Seven Year Itch 艺术摇滚
itch scabies seven-year itch 疥疮
With a seven year itch 带着个七年之痒
Scratching the seven year itch 挠挠七年之痒是时候推进慕课了
earned $22.8 million over the weekend and included the record-breaking sale of Marilyn Monroe's iconic "subway dress" from 1955 movie "The Seven Year Itch," organizers said on Monday.
拍卖会主办方本周一表示,女星黛比 雷诺兹好莱坞纪念品拍卖会上周末结束,拍卖总价高达2280万美元。 其中,玛丽莲 梦露在1955年出演电影《七年之痒》时所穿的一件经典“地铁裙”打破了此前的成交纪录。
The words were uttered by Marilyn Monroe in the 1955 film The Seven Year Itch as she stood above a New York subway grate and gusts of subterranean air lifted her white dress well above the knee.
The "honeymoon period" implies post-honeymoon strife; the "seven-year itch" suggests that we tire of our mate at year seven.