这种噪声是由光本身白勺发射过程所决定白勺,被称作为散粒噪声(Shot Noise),是光粒子性白勺表现。尽管这一噪声极低,但随着现代通讯白勺迅猛开展,在许多领域散粒噪声已成为一道难以逾越白勺障碍。
声 【中文名称】:散弹噪声 【英文名称】:SHOT NOISE 【定义1】: 由于电荷载流子通过表面引起电流起伏而产生的随机噪声。 【来源】: GB/T 14733.12-2008(术语标准); 【定义2】: 由于离
signal shot noise 散粒噪声 ; 噪音
shot-noise voltage 散粒噪声电压
photon shot noise 噪声 ; 光子散粒噪声
full shot noise 全散粒噪声
Dark current shot noise 暗电流散粒噪声
Shot Noise Process 散粒噪声过程
multiplicative shot noise 乘性散粒噪声
N the inherent electronic noise arising in an electric current because of the discontinuous nature of conduction by electrons 散粒噪音 (Also called Schottky noise)
A general method for finding the Mean first passage time of go neral diffusion processes driven by shot noise is suggested.
A general method for finding the Mean first passage time of ge neral diffusion processes driven by shot noise is suggested.
It is shown that the differential conductance, average current and shot noise power are suppressed by the impurities and rough interface scattering.