N a strike in which workers refuse to leave their place of employment until a settlement is reached 不达成协议拒绝离职的罢工
I mentioned before that, in the 1930s, one of the most effective actions was the sit-down strike. And the reason is simple: that's just a step before the takeover of an industry.
我曾说过,30年代工人最有效的行动就是就地罢工。 原因很简单,就是它是工人接管的前奏。
When you walk into a room filled with business bigwigs, you want to sit down and strike a deal.
学习如何成功地和大公司谈判——即使你刚开始创业。 当你进门一看,全是商界大腕儿,你想坐下来,并希望获得一笔交易。