[ 复数 snares 第三人称单数 snares 现在分词 snaring 过去式 snared 过去分词 snared ]
...过程,它涉及到许多膜泡转运蛋白和专一性的蛋白质,其中可溶性N SF附属蛋白受体(soluble N SF accessory protein receptor,SN A RE)和网格蛋白(clathrin)尤为重要。1。
"it was all a snare and delusion"
同义词: trap
同义词: snare drum side drum
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A snare is a trap for catching birds or small animals. It consists of a loop of wire or rope which pulls tight around the animal. (捕捉鸟或小动物的) 罗网
I felt like an animal caught in a snare.
N-COUNT If you describe a situation as a snare, you mean that it is a trap from which it is difficult to escape. 陷阱 [正式]
Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.
N a set of gut strings wound with wire fitted against the lower drumhead of a snare drum. They produce a rattling sound when the drum is beaten (绷在小军鼓下面的)响弦 [music]
V-T If someone snares an animal, they catch it using a snare. 用罗网捕捉
He'd snared a rabbit earlier in the day.