Snap Shot by Thom Peterson 快速剪影
snap-shot jump 抽点打印转换
snap-shot copy 抽点打印
snap-shot dump 抽点打印
snap-shot routine 抽点打印程序
snap-shot debugging 抽点查错
Remote Snap Shot 远程观察电脑屏幕
Wedding Snap Shot 婚礼快照
Snap Shot Routing 快照路由协定
N a sudden, fast shot at goal 快射 [sport]
Whenever I linger through the boom town Shanghai, I carry my snap shot camera with me.
The dog takes a mental snap shot in his mind of exactly what it was doing when it got the negative makers.
When a trainer repeats "NO" several times this only confuses the dog because he must determine which mental snap shot you are referring to.