大部分人所知晓的大峡谷,应该是站在被称为峡谷南缘(South Rim)的最南端看到的样貌,但这只是大峡谷的一部分而已。真实的大峡谷是多样的,其代表为东边、西边和北边。
多谢一方兄,Grand Canyon有几个方向,我们是从南边(south rim)进入,skywalk是在西边,其实这次主要是几天在拉斯维加斯与不见多年,来自凤凰城及澳洲雪梨的旧同学reunion,大峡谷之行是临时在...
Grand Canyon South Rim 大峡谷南缘 ; 南峡谷 ; 大峡谷 ; 南大峡谷
South Rim Drive 南缘道
The South Rim Clinic 南缘诊所
South Rim Helicopter Tour 南峡直升飞机
On the remote Hermit's Trail off the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, a rare occurrence of rain brings joy to a cold November day.
时下正值冬季,天寒地冻,举目萧条。 在大峡谷南缘的隐士步道——美国的西北角落,一道彩虹罕见地划空而出,叫人好生欢喜。
Departing from Grand Canyon's South Rim by Airplane to Grand Canyon's West Rim, you will land and take a ground tour to the Skywalk!
Most visitors-about 90 percent-gawk down into the canyon from the South Rim and miss the other features, including the Esplanade, found throughout the canyon's colossal footprint.