金属缠绕垫片(Spiral Wound Gaskets)是一种重要的密封元件,被广泛地应用石油、化工、冶金、发电、船舶等行业,是当前我国压力管道、阀门、泵、换热器等设备静密封的...
0 中文名称: 缠绕垫片 英文名称: Spiral wound gaskets 版本: 附注: 标准状态: 废止 载体: 纸本&加工电子 中国标准分类: 【J74】 国际标准分类(ICS): 【23
... 金属包覆垫片 Metal jacketed gaskets 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gaskets 具有覆盖层的齿形组合垫 Covered serrated metal gaskets ...
Specification of spiral wound gaskets 缠绕式垫片 ; 技术条件
Metallic Spiral Wound Gaskets 金属缠绕垫片
graphite spiral wound gaskets 石墨缠绕垫片
Specific of spiral wound gaskets 缠绕式垫片
metal graphite spiral wound gaskets 金属石墨缠绕垫片
Specificine of spiral wound gaskets 缠绕式垫片
The controlling principle of process technology parameters is expounded. The influence of the structure and technology parameters on the quality of spiral wound gaskets is investigated.
The design of gasketed joints is critical for low-emission applications. For better control and elimination of unwinding of spiral wound gaskets, a fully-enclosed gasket cavity is desirable.
It is proved through test of nation akl technical standards that the spiral wound gaskets made by the plant can meet or exceed the technical requirements of the national and foreign standards.