报表服务(SQL Server Reporting Services): 基于服务器的报表平台。 • Microsoft SQL Server 2008系统提供了两 种类型的数据库,即系统数据库和用户数据 库。
... 为本地部署配置 SQL Server Reporting Services 配置、安装和激活 Retail Modern POS (MPOS) 配置和安装 Retail Store Scale Unit ...
以上来源于: WordNet
When you create a subscription, Reporting Services creates a SQL Server Agent job which is executed according to the required schedule.
当您创建一个订阅时,Reporting Services会创建一个根据要求的计划执行的SQL Server代理作业。
This paper discusses a solution to this problem based on SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (SSRS).
本文基于SQL Server 2008的报表服务(SSRS)讨论了针对这一问题的解决方案。