模具意义 冲压模具(Stamping Tooling)是冲压生产必不可少的工艺装备,是技术密集型产品。冲压件的质量、生产效率以及生产成本等,与模具设计和制造有直接关系。
Stamping tool shop 冲模一厂
Stamping tool shop I 冲模一厂
Stamping tool design engineer 冲压模具设计工程师
stamping g tool 冲压工具
Repair, such as high-speed tool steel cutting planer tools, high temperature and punching moulds, stamping tools and cutting knife plate rolling and cutting tools under the mold cutting edge.
A tool and die maker does precision hand fitting and aligning of stamping dies to achieve the desired results.
Tool and die making: Industrial art of manufacturing stamping dies, plastics molds, and jigs and fixtures to be used in the mass production of solid objects.