... 有用能量输出 useful energy output 标准输出设备 standard output-device 打印输出设备 print out equipment ...
For the purpose of illustration the contents of this internal table are printed to the standard output device using an ABAP write statement.
为了便于讲解,使用ABAP write语句把这个内部表的内容输出到标准输出设备。
The _html suffix indicates that the output is intended for a standard Web browser or other HTML-rendering device.
_ HTML后缀表明输出针对的是标准的Web浏览器或其它显示HTML的设备。
In Listing 3, DB-Access reads the input from the standard input device, processes the input, and writes the results to the standard output device.
在清单3中,DB - Access从标准输入设备读取输入,然后在处理该输入后将结果写到标准输出设备。