START OF SOMETHING NEW 全新的旅程 ; 歌舞青春 ; 男女对唱情歌 ; 新的开始
start something new or original 别开生面
The start of something new 那些已经开始的事物 ; 全新的路程曾经入手下手了 ; 新的开始 ; 这新的开始
Tip no#1: Start something new.
When did you last start something new?
Now we're going to start something new.
N 2 So any chemist should be able to just look at n 2 and know that it's a triple bond, but that's not something that we've learned how did to do yet, so let's go ahead and start a new topic that's going to allow us to have some sort of sense of what the valence electron configuration, which includes whether something's a single or double or a triple bond can be figured out for any given molecule.