state environmental protection agency
中国国家环境保护总局(State Environmental Protection Agency)向媒体通报了污染严重和违反环境评估的多家电力企业,导致电力类股纷纷下挫,环保总局还表示,将对4个电力集团所有建设项目实行停...
...rotection 国家环境保护总局 State Environmental Protection Administration ; SEPA ; State Environmental Protection Agency ; State Environmental Protection 美国环境保护局 EPA ; USEPA ; United States Environment Protection Agency ; US Environme...
中国国家环保总局(State Environmental Protection Agency)在周四的新闻发布会上称,2005年全国二氧化硫排放量高达2,550万吨,比2000年增长了27%。
Wang Jian, a director at the State Environmental Protection Agency, or SEPA, said there would be more closures to come, in a campaign lasting from January to June.
国家环境保护总局(State Environmental Protection Agency)污染控制司主任汪键表示,污染清理行动将从1月份持续到6月份,还会有更多工厂被关闭。
" Is this referring to the 2007 research done jointly by the World Bank, the then-State Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Health called "China's Environmental Costs"?
In Texas, the birthplace of the shale-gas revolution, there is currently a stand-off between the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the state Railroad Commission, which regulates oil and gas production.
WSJ: Daniel Yergin on the Shale Gas Revolution: Stepping on the Gas
Oklahoma's new Republican Attorney General Scott Pruitt has bolstered the cause by challenging the tax penalty provisions of the federal health care law, filing suit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and joining a multi-state challenge to the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
NPR: States' Rights Bills Surge In GOP States
The Environmental Protection Agency, together with other federal, state, local, and tribal agencies, developed, offering the public daily Air Quality Index forecasts and real-time Air Quality Index conditions for over 300 cities across the country as well as links to detailed state and local air quality cites.
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