... 线路循环操作 line loop operation 循环操作状态 state of cycle operation 操纵 1.(控制; 开动) operate; control; roll; steer 操纵机器 operate machines; 无线电操纵 radio control; 这架飞机有两套操纵装置。the airplane had dual controls.2.(支配;控制) rig; manipulate; govern 幕后操纵 manipulate from behind the scenes; pull strings; 操纵市场 rig the market; play [milk] the market; 操纵市价 control the market-price; 操纵表决机器 tamper with the voting machine; manipulate the voting; 他们巧妙地操纵股票市场而大赚其钱。 they make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the stock market ...
The ideal cycle heat efficiency used nowadays is affected by the relative internal efficiency so it can't reflect the operation economic state of thermal system of steam turbine.
Since then, the maintenance man can grasp the equipment fatigue cycle, can predict in advance the operating state of mechanical and electrical equipment to ensure normal operation of equipment.