... static column page mode memory: 静态纵列分页模式存储器 static control system: 静电防护系统 static data: 静态数据 ...
static decoupling control system 静态解耦控制
static feedforward control system 静态前馈控制系统
system static control 静电防护系统
Due to its ability to relay position to a computer system in a mobile, deployable static control room, the position can easily be plotted and shown on a geographical map display.
The general prediction of leakage rate is presented. Influencing factors are analyzed. Countermeasures such as double seals, new structure of static seal, automatic control system are introduced.
The modeling result based on UML is static description for the command, control, communication, intelligence (C3I) system, but the essence of C3I system is dynamic.