环球外汇10月10日讯加拿大统计局(Statistics of Canada)周四(10月10日)公布的数据显示,加拿大8月新屋价格月率升幅有所收窄,因卡尔加里和亚伯达地区房价的急剧上涨被不列颠哥伦比亚地区...
According to 2007 Statistics Canada figures, there are an increasing number of single-parent homes across the country.
Prices were affected by the introduction of the harmonized sales tax in Ontario and British Columbia, and a two-percentage-point increase in Nova Scotia's HST, Statistics Canada said Friday.
According to the latest Statistics Canada census, 45.7 per cent of the city's population was born outside Canada, making it the world's most culturally diverse city.
加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)的最新人口调查结果显示,该市45.7%的人口出生在加拿大以外,使其成为全球最为多元化的城市。