main steam pipe tunnel 主蒸汽管洞
main-steam pipe 主蒸汽管道
main steam pipe line 主蒸汽管系
main steam pipe bends 主蒸汽管弯管
main steam curved pipe 主蒸汽弯管
main steam pipe material 主蒸汽管道材料
elbow of main steam pipe 主蒸汽管道弯管
elbow in main steam pipe 主蒸汽管道弯管
This Paper introduced structure reform for main steam pipe of heat and power plant at a Petrochemical factory.
There were some analysis and probe of creep in main Steam pipe and reheat pipe (hot segment) in service utility boiler.
The method of through monitoring 16N activities in the main steam pipe to get the leak rate of steam generator, now is the main way of steam generator leak rate monitoring.