...l tubular scaffold with couplers in construction建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范 Steel pressure vessels钢制压力容器 Tubular heat exchangers管壳式换热器 ..
Mild steel pressure vessels 软钢压力容器
stainless steel pressure vessels 不锈钢压力容器
Ti clad steel pressure vessels 钛复合板容器设备
Steel pressure vessels of petrochemica 石油化工钢制压力容器
Steel pressure vessels of petrochemical 石油化工钢制压力容器
steel for pressure vessels 压力容器用钢
Steel welded atmospheric pressure vessels 钢制焊接常压容器
Steel plate for pressure vessels 压力容器用钢板
This software applies to manage welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels.
Formed heads for steel pressure vessels is the first complete and unite standard about head plate.
It also introduces the partial revised contents of the material parts in GB150 "Steel Pressure Vessels".