step-and-repeat camera 分步重复照相机
step and repeat exposure 步进重复曝光
step and repeat lithography 步进重复光刻
step and repeat multiplication 步进重复倍增
multiple step and repeat machine 多路步进重复照相机
step and repeat lens 步进重复照相机镜头
step and repeat equipment 步进重复装置
step and repeat mask 步进重复曝光掩模
Repeat the step above over and over again until you complete your story.
Step 4. Repeat Step 2 for all other classes and append the newly generated DDL commands to the previously saved ones.
步骤4 .对于其他的类,重复步骤2,并将新生成的ddl命令附加到之前保存的DDL命令后面。
This bundle is so simple that we only need to repeat step 1 and 2 to create a similar bundle skeleton.
该包非常简单,只需要重复步骤 1 和步骤 2 以创建一个类似的包框架即可。