常见的有词汇歧义(lexical ambiguity),即同一词汇由于词义不同或词类不同引起的歧义,结构歧义(structural ambiguity),即同一短语或句子由于语法关系不同或语义
... interrupted-continuant 中断-持续〔语音区别特征〕 structural ambiguity 中强重音 Dano-Norwegian 丹麦-挪威语 ...
structural ambiguity type 结构歧义类型
structural ambiguity detail 结构二义性
This paper discusses several kinds of ambiguity in general at first, such as lexical ambiguity, structural ambiguity and pragmatic ambiguity.
Okay so in the second case there are lots of different sailors in the first one there's only one sailor who is loved by all the girls. So that's a structural ambiguity.
This paper deals with the formation of English structural ambiguity, analyzes its causes and suggests the way to eliminate ambiguity in the application of English.
歧义度即指 歧义结构的强弱程度,根据歧义结构之间歧义语感的轻重可分为相对歧义度和绝对歧义度。