其中,为银行所控制的是指银行子公司(subsidiary of the bank),控制银行的公司称 为银行控股公司(bank holding company),而与该银行处于相同控制公司之下的公司,则是银行控股公 司的子公...
The Financial Services Authority (FSA), which supervises individual firms, will be recast as a subsidiary of the Bank of England.
The British financial authorities also had two drills in the past year, one of which examined the impact on a British clearing bank of the failure in London of a foreign banking subsidiary.
In January 2008 the site released stolen documents from Julius Baer, a Swiss bank, including bank records of about 1,600 clients with accounts at a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands.
2008年1月,该网站披露了瑞士银行宝盛集团(Julius Baer)一份失窃文件,内容包括其在开曼群岛一家子公司约1600名客户的银行记录。