Super Paper Pool 超级纸片台球 ; 超级纸上台球 ; 纸上桌球
super-cubage water-pool 超大容积水池
Swimline Super Slide Inflatable Pool 代购美国正品戏水玩具
Following the constant pool are several items that reference constant pool entries for the class itself, its super class, and interfaces.
This means that there is only a single pool of users and groups in the LDAP directory to work with and that there can be only one set of super Portal administrators.
这表示在 LDAP 目录中只有一个单独用户池和组可以处理,并且只能有一组超级门户管理员。
I'm not a very lucky person. I play in the football pool for the Super Bowl and I'll do raffles, that kind of stuff.