若更新作业并未牵涉 Gonk,则仅需 Mozilla 系统更新公用程式 (System Update Utility) 即可完成。Firefox OS 所使用之更新架构、程序、Mozilla ARchive (MAR) 格式 (用于更新封装),与 Firefox 桌面版产品完全相同。
Therefore, after initially putting load on your system, or whenever the data volume in the database changes significantly, you should update the statistics by running the DB2 RUNSTATS utility.
因此,当您最开始在系统上加载负载之后,或者无论何时数据库中的数据量剧烈变化,都应该通过运行 DB2 RUNSTATS 实用程序更新统计数据。
The runstats utility can be used to update statistics in system catalog tables to facilitate the query optimization process.
WSCC is a free, portable program that allows you to install, update, execute and organize the utilities from various system utility suites.