食品药品监督局 state food and drug administration (SDA) 收监 to imprison; to take into custody 受保障监督的设施 safeguarded facility ..
A person appointed by a court administrator to take into custody the property or funds of others, pending litigation.
Detain, take him into custody illegally for asking for debts, the crime determines a crime to punish in order to take into custody illegally.
Theanonymous author said that the boy was given into his custody, as aninfant, on the 7th October 1812, and that he had never let him “take asingle step out of my house”.
这封信的匿名作者写道,这名男孩在1812年10月7日那天,还是一个婴儿的时候,他就开始照养着这名男孩。 他说,他从来没让男孩离开过他房间一步。