take something lying down 善罢甘休
take a challenge lying down 对挑战俯首称臣
take sth lying down 甘心忍受某事 ; 俯首贴耳地屈从 ; 逆来顺受
Take It Lying Down 服服贴贴
take a lying-down position 趴在地上
Not take something lying down 不甘心
take one's fate lying down 听天由命
take a claiming lying down 对挑衅昂首称臣
The snowballing online reaction sends a clear message that people are not prepared to take this sort of thing lying down.
X. O. Beer. Take it lying down. 12% alcohol, and available soon in selected bars with nice comfortable floors.
Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.