...),HBO伊安·麦克拉伦(Ian McKellen),《李尔王》(King Lear),PBS凯文·贝肯(Kevin Bacon),《带你回家》(Taking Chance),HBO基弗·萨瑟兰(Kiefer Sutherland),HBO《反恐24小时:救赎》(24)肯尼斯·布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh),《华兰德:步其后尘...
)&Ross Katz,《护送钱思》 (Taking Chance),HBO动画类最佳长篇动画(一小时及以上):《武士阿非:复活》(Afro Samurai:Resurrection),Spike《目的地想象》 (Destination I...
Taking A Chance On Love 勇敢去爱 ; 冒险去爱 ; 为爱冒险 ; 抓住爱情
If it's taking a chance 如果一有机会 ; 如果一有机遇 ; 只要有个机会
Taking The Chance 把握机会
It's worth taking a chance 很值得来跳个舞
There's a chance we're taking 这也是给我们
taking a chance 抓住机遇
By taking the chance 就在这个时刻
Do not be afraid to encounter risks, it is by taking chance that we learn how to be brave.
Philip saw a boy running past and tried to catch him but his limp gave him no chance; and the runners, taking their opportunity, made straight for the ground he covered.
The chance is right in front of us, but is it worth taking a risk?