从事栲胶中文名称 单宁树脂胶 英文名称 Tanning extract 中文别名 栲胶 CAS RN 成%9论文:中草药提取物中单宁(鞣质)的选择性脱除,超滤膜分离 成%9论文包含下列:中草药提取物中单宁(鞣质)的选择性脱除,超滤膜
信息 中文名称: 栲胶 中文同义词: 栲胶 英文名称: Tanning extract 英文同义词: Tanning extract CAS号: 分子式: 分子量: 0 EINECS号: 相关类别: Mol文件: Mol F
vegetable tanning extract 植物丹宁栲胶
Valonia tanning extract 植物鞣料浸膏
vegetable e tanning extract 植物丹宁栲胶
mimosa extract tanning extract 拷胶
extract tanning 浸膏鞣
Extract of the heartwood of acacia catechu used for dying and tanning and preserving fishnets and sails; formerly used medicinally.
This paper have studied vegetable tanning technology of cowhide light leather with modification volanea extract for chief tanning agent and with yellow cow taw for raw skin.