Target Costing 目标成本法 ; 成本企画 ; 目标成本 ; 目标成本计算
ø Target costing 目标成本计算
target costing system 目标成本系统
target costing management 目标成本规划
Knowledge on Target Costing 有成本意识
supply chain target costing 供应链目标成本
Target t Costing 目标成本法 ; 目标成本计算
Japanese enterprises take target costing as an all-around profit management method.
参考来源 - 成本企画及其在我国的应用探析After these demonstration, the issue figure out that Activity based costing can provide real information of product cost and promote enterprises improve their activities. Target costing is an advanced idea that can control product cost beforehand.
通过案例剖析与实证分析,本文认为: “作业成本法”为企业生产经营提供真实的产品成本信息,促使企业改善“增值作业”消除“不增值作业”;“成本企划”控制产品设计、开发的“源头”,是一种积极的“事前控制”的现代企业成本管理思想;“物流成本管理创新”方法促使企业改善物流管理现状,合理调配商品。
参考来源 - 现代企业成本管理创新研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Target Costing (TC) Management and Activity-based Costing (ABC) Management are advanced cost management models.
Supporting project costing and prioritization by maintaining an it portfolio, current and target architectures, and a roadmap for the transition.
Define and evaluate the profile of future development in respect of target costing and with evaluation tools.