...如果你身在国外...那么...你需要看看这个......... rate 价格,费用 tax extra 另加税金 look forward to 期待,希望 ...
extra tax on profit increased 利润增长额特别税
Sales tax and extra charges 营业税金及附加 ; 产品销售税金及附加
extra war tax [税收] 战时特别税
tax x extra 另加税金
extra tax on corporate profit [税收] 超额公司利得税
Sales Tax and Extra Changes 商品销售税金及附加费
extra tax on profits 超额利得税
extra tax on profits increased 超额利得税
Tax and Extra Charge 主营业务税金及附加
They could even be paid for by the higher tax revenues from farmers' extra income.
A monitor costs extra, and the Microsoft Tax is missing entirely.
A third involves companies setting up in OFCs that are "tax neutral" -that is, the main attraction is avoiding extra layers of tax rather than avoiding tax bills.
Go ahead and let the Bush tax cuts expire on the theory that the government needs extra revenues to cover the higher spending or should he try to ? make the Bush tax cuts permanent, Ken Judd?