... 各种各样的理由 a variety of reasons 倾向于认为 tend to believe 巨石王 the King of Stonehenge ...
They tend to believe in themselves and in what they do.
Parents tend to believe that they need to provide their children with good living conditions, but the most important thing for a child is the company of parents.
I tend to believe Ike Hoover's account. He has no reason to lie.
For example, people tend to believe that their team will win; this has been documented by psychologists.
People tend to assume that the candidate that they believe in will win.
But if you've looked at more recent or if you've looked at friends who relatively recently signed ID up for Facebook, their profile IDs which you sometimes see in the URL are actually pretty long and that's because I believe at some point they did transition longlong to 64-bit values which tend to be called long longs.