真空扩散泵 - CNKI知识搜索 腔、真空泵、真空阀门和真空表构成的,真空控制单元(Vacuum Con-trol Unit,VCU)通过终端盒(Terminal Box,TB)控制各真空组件。真空泵分为2级,初级为循环泵,次级为油扩散泵;真空表分别检测真空腔的压力和油扩散泵自
space heater terminal box 防潮加热器接线盒
AC exciter terminal box 交流励磁机接线盒
air insulated terminal box 空气绝缘接线盒
test terminal box 校验用端钮盒
terminal box knockout test 接线盒敲打测试
flame-proof terminal box 防爆型终端盒
intermediate cable terminal box 中间电缆盒
enclosed terminal box 封闭接线盒
neutral terminal box 配备 ; 中立终端盒 ; 中性终端盒 ; 中性接线盒
Terminals: in explosive situations must complete sealing of the terminal box, the general situation can also be used heat shrink tubing and quick-drying silicone seal.
Center line wiring boxes will be distributed to the regional lines to the box after box Advantage lines. Advantage lines boxes will be assigned to each user lines of Terminal box.
It is presented that the design features of terminal box for Series YBK2 flameproof three-phase induction motor, comparing with Series YBK and a design proposal is given in this article.
文章对Y BK系列电动机和YBK2系列电动机接线盒的规格进行了比较,介绍了YBK2系列电动机接线盒的设计特点,最后给出设计方案。
And they type in "cappuccino" on a little terminal, which is basically a calculator on top of the cash box, and then they get $3.24 from that. They get a receipt.