娜迦们的娜迦语(Nazja)、高等精灵和血精灵们的 萨拉斯语 ( Thalassian )和达纳斯语十分相似,毕竟前者都是暗夜精灵种族的分支由于暗夜精灵们对于他们的远房表亲们有着很大的信仰分歧,所以在处理达纳...
Thalassian Base Camp 萨拉斯营地
Thalassian Wildercloak 深海迷失斗篷
Thalassian Pass 萨拉斯小径
chelonian thalassian turtle 海龟
Summon Thalassian Charger 召唤萨拉斯军马
Summon Thalassian Warhorse 召唤萨拉斯战马
Spaulders of the Thalassian Defender 萨拉斯防御者护肩
Thalassian is the primary language of blood elves and high elves.
So far, linguistic scholars have opted to err on the side of caution in documenting Darnassian terms and phrases that are also considered part of the Thalassian language.
如今,语言学者们已经开始谨慎地筛查在过去的文献中因为将达纳苏斯语词汇和短语误以为是萨拉斯语的分支而导致的种种错误。 。