... 选择翻译公司作为他的专业 » Choose art as his professional 实际用户数 » The actual number of users 我很佩服她们 » I greatly admire their ...
You can compare this result to the scenario in which the actual number of transactions or users increases.
Of course, if you had 150 users, then you would need to license the server beyond the minimum count to the actual number of USES; in this case 150 AUs.
The users shown in tables 1-4 are only instances of the benchmark script running, and they do not necessarily correlate to the number of actual users deployed on a server.
表 1 到表 4 所示的用户数只是运行基准脚本的实例,它们不一定与服务器上部署的实际用户数相关。