伍尔夫(James Wolf)在《广告时代》(The Advertising Age)的专栏中写道:“正确地运用文案和设计,能使创意的传达更具效果。任何一项也不容轻视。
There is a huge potential market for this service in a day and age where advertising has become the business model of the vast majority.
Advertising Age called in a "crisis expert" to assess the situation. "The combination of free food and Oprah is a tsunami, " said Robbie Vorhaus.
广告时代的“危机公关专家” Robbie Vorhaus对此作了点评称:“显然肯德基没有意识到,免费食品加上奥普拉效应带来的会是一场营销海啸。”
It has not said how much it devoted to the Aura, but Mr. LaNeve acknowledged to the trade publication Advertising Age that G.M.“could have spent a few more dollars.”
在Aura投入了多少没有一个明确的说法,但是LaNeve先生对公开发行的广告时代杂志(Advertising Age)承认,“可能已经花费了更多一些的美元”。