...教学硕士论文发表-《高中英语的美育教学策略分析》,高中英语教学|留学生论文网,英语论文网 key words] the aesthetic education; Aesthetic education teaching; English class [gap=194]关键词]美育;美育教学; 英语课堂 ..
and the aesthetic education 美育
the aesthetic education ideology 美育思想
the aesthetic education function 美育功能
the aesthetic-education orientation 美育化
implementing the aesthetic education 实施美育
the aesthetic education of music 音乐美育
the law of aesthetic education 美育规律
the female aesthetic education 女子审美教育
the moral-aesthetic education 德育审美化教育
The aesthetic education is an important part of quality education.
Moreover, the aesthetic education should be strengthened in moral education.
Teaching music is a main way and an integral part of quality education and the aesthetic education of the.