...心操持家务、抚养孩子,间或做些编织、刺绣等手工活,中产阶级妇女也因此成为维多利亚时期“家庭天使”(The angel in the House)(46)的原始形象。
Coventry Patmore, Dickens's contemporary, in his popular domestic epic The Angel in the House (1854-6), celebrates the virtues of the middle-class heroine Hornoria and her affinity with her father and her husband.
参考来源 - 家庭天使——从性别研究的角度分析狄更斯笔下的女主人公·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
In other words, the role of the angel in the house is not just to wash the dishes and take care of the kids, although that's a big part of it.
We've said there are no women in it, and yet at the same time you do have those frowning and smiling houses sort of embodying the angel in the house, but it's not just that.
Angel on the doorstep... make some cookies, put some in a cute little package, put them on the doorstep of your neighbor's house, ring the bell!