安提瓜和巴布达”(The Antigua and Barbuda)是世界顶级度假胜地,安提瓜的蓝天、碧海、沙滩更慑人心魄;老牌好莱坞动作巨星,美国加州州长施瓦辛格,就是在这美丽的粉色岛屿...
Ethiopia hopes to be carbon neutral by 2025, while the Marshall Islands has pledged to cut emissions by 40 percent by 2020, and Antigua and Barbuda by 25 percent.
Antigua and Barbuda has also turned to Canada, hiring a team from the country to head its police.
The pirates fired several shots at the German-owned ship BBC Togo, which sails under the flag of Antigua and Barbuda, but the crew fought off the attackers, who were unable to board it.
这些海盗一度对挂安提瓜与巴布达旗的德国货船BBC Togo开火射击,但在船员反抗之下未能登船。