the atmospheric temperature
一、气温 The Atmospheric Temperature 极端最高气温(度) The Highest Temperature of the Year(℃) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 极端最低气温(度) The Lowes...
the atmospheric temperature
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Over the past 50 years, there has been noticeable rise in the atmospheric temperature.
A set of formulas has been developed to calculate the atmospheric temperature, density, pressure, the speed of sound etc. of Standard Atmosphere 1976.
The major influential factors of the changes are the atmospheric temperature, precipitation, plant absorption, the activity of soil microbe and so on.
While inclusion of a Figure 4 is not essential for the purpose of illuminating the statistical flaws in the Douglass et al. "consistency test", such a Figure would clearly show the (currently large) structural uncertainties in radiosonde-based estimates of the vertical profile of atmospheric temperature changes.
WSJ: Climate Emails: Science and Candor
At the bottom of the Knotty Head hole, the 450-degree-Fahrenheit temperature and the pressure (2, 000 times atmospheric) would crush or melt most drilling tools.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Climate sensitivity is how much will the temperature change over a doubling of atmospheric CO2 (more strictly, CO2-e, taking account of methane and all the other gasses and converting them to CO2 equivalents).
FORBES: Lower Climate Sensitivity Means That Climate Change Becomes A Much Cheaper Problem To Solve