the best practice sharing
...待,或者告竣了当初看上去难以完成的目标,则要分析成功的缘故原由,并与团队分享经验分享成功经验(the best practice sharing)是惠普多年来实行的非常有用的一种办理实践
...—设计阶段性目标(Mile Stone)——定期进行进展总结(Review Progress)——与团队分享成功经验(the best practice sharing) 5、案例分享:二次西天取经 第四章、从目标到计划 1、计划的四类 1.1按特性:主要计划、次要计划、固定计划、弹性计划、成文计划...
the best practice sharing
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
What it ought to be about, say the NAHT, is sharing best practice, giving a pat on the back to those who are succeeding and ensuring that the capacity is there to help those schools that are not.
BBC: Crude league tables? No! Nuanced banding? Yes!
The minister confirmed that there will be numbers and targets associated with the scheme which will be announced before the end of the calendar month and that sharing best practice will be key in the delivery of the programme.
BBC: Statement on empty homes
This kind of best practice sharing works and we will continue to engage with the private sector going forward.
WHITEHOUSE: "Doing What Works" Transcript