...要侧重领域为管弦乐演奏史,尤其是盛行于西方古典乐坛的本真演奏运动(古乐器运动),曾于1998年应英国学术院(The British Academy)邀请赴伦敦、剑桥和科尔切斯特等地,以“文学中的新历史主义与音乐中的本真运动”为课题对本真演奏运动的历史、现状及整体风格进...
途的数字技术,科学,艺术和创意领域的个人: *英国艺术理事会(Arts Council England ) *英国学院(The British Academy ) *英国皇家学会(The Royal Society ) *英国皇家工程学院(The Royal Academy of Engineering) *英国科技城(Tech Cit..
他是英国学士院(The British Academy)院士,美国文理科学院(American Academy of Arts and Sciences)名誉院士,欧洲文理科学院(Academia Europaea)院士。
Fellow of the British Academy 不列颠学会会员 ; 英国学术院院士 ; 英国研究院研究员
the British Academy Awards 金像奖
Fellows of the British Academy 科学院院士
The British Academy of Graphology 英国笔迹学院
The research, funded by the British Academy, has helped to explain the mechanisms of intuitive cooperation.
So this is, in effect, the backdrop in which in the American academy — influenced, - as we'll now see, by certain trends in the British academy — arose in the thirties and in the forties.
Gore is participating in other events looking at how business should respond to climate change, alongside Lord Stern, President of the British Academy, and speakers from the insurance company Axa.
So this is, in effect, the backdrop in which in the American academy--influenced, - as we'll now see, by certain trends in the British academy-- arose in the thirties and in the forties.