据外媒报导,俄亥俄州的克里夫兰诊所(the Cleveland Clinic)对12份全球不同团队进行的研究进行整理后发现,番茄中所含有的番茄红素能够增加男性「小蝌蚪70%的数量,而且还能有效改善「小蝌...
...大约50个研究实验室,包括匹兹堡医学中心、纽泽西州立罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)、克里夫兰医疗中心(The Cleveland Clinic) 与莱斯大学(Rice University)。
Anderson Cancer Center)在癌症治疗方面的合作,与克利夫兰诊所(The Cleveland Clinic)在医学教育方面的合作,还有与健康保险公司维朋(WellPoint)的伙伴关系。到目前为止,其中无一做好了广泛部署的准备。
"It's very hard to get paid unless you physically see the patient," says Peter Rasmussen, medical director of distance health at the Cleveland Clinic.
The Cleveland Clinic has taken on many of the traits of a hospitality group.
Judi Bar teaches yoga to patients with chronic diseases at the Cleveland Clinic.
Judi Bar在克利·弗兰临床医学中心教慢性疾病患者练习瑜伽。
The Cleveland Clinic says the cause of cluster headaches is in a brain area known as a trigeminal-autonomic reflex pathway.
VOA: special.2010.03.30
The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio says the cluster headache can be many times more intense than a migraine.
VOA: special.2010.03.30
The Cleveland Clinic says this is especially true of younger men.
VOA: special.2010.03.30