正如AMD创始杰出的人瑞·桑德斯(Jerry Sanders)曾描写的,芯片业是“工业中的原油”(the crude oil of industry)这不仅象征着台积电如许的企业是信息科学技术时代必不成少的基石,也说明它受相干财产和群体经济环境影响伟大在全球金融危机打击...
"By 1988, I thought we had developed the best measurement approach, controls and so on of any crude oil purchaser in the industry," Koch said.
"How can the oil industry need a dollar in the days of $100 crude oil?" says John Berger, CEO of Standard Renewable Energy.
对此,标准可再生能源(Standard Renewable Energy)的首席执行官约翰•伯杰(John Berger)的看法是:“在原油价格达到每桶100美元的今天,石油工业会需要1美元吗?”
Development of demulsification techniques for crude oil emulsion is one of the most important research topics in petroleum industry.