资料 中文名: 孽海惊涛 英文名: The Deadly Sins 类 型: 剧情 爱情 导 演: 高西屏 编 剧: 刘豁公 主要演员: 严工上 产 地: 其他 语 种: 其它 地 区: 其它 剧
the seven deadly sins 七宗罪 ; 七大罪 ; 七种不可宽恕的罪行 ; 七原罪
Satanael the seven deadly sins 七宗罪
Envy The seven deadly sins 七宗罪之二
Greed The seven deadly sins 七宗罪之贪婪
The Seven Deadly Sins Today 书名
Wrath The seven deadly sins 七宗罪之三暴怒
Greed is one of the seven deadly sins.
And many marital therapists warn against complaining, something that some consider one of the seven deadly SINS of marriage.
The conceited, arrogant feeling of pride has been called the deadliest of the seven deadly SINS. Yet pride can also be noble.