the department of electrical engineering
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the department of electrical engineering
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Before joining MCI, he was a research faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Michigan.
Under the arrangement, Siemens would award scholarship to the 20 most outstanding students from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Automation each year for three years.
Researchers at Northeastern’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have devised something a bit more sophisticated than the Star Wars game.
东北大学电子与计算机工程系的研究者们研发出一件比这一星战玩具(就是Force Trainer)更复杂的装备。
Normal vision is based on more than one hundred million receptors in each eye, but it is impossible to squeeze that many electrodes into a tiny device that has to lay on the retina, said John Wyatt, a professor in the department of electrical engineering at MIT who has been working on a retinal prosthesis since 1988.
WSJ: The Quest to Create A Bionic Eye Gets Clearer
The unreliability - or "statistical variability" - of chips is a problem that many researchers were trying to deal with, said Professor Asen Asenov from the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the University of Glasgow.
BBC: Mistakes in silicon chips to help boost computer power
"For what it was invented for, the mouse does a good job, " said John Elias, co-inventor of the MultiTouch system and a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Delaware.
BBC: Handy future for gesture sensor