...、陈鼓应《老子注译及评介》,中华书局 2015年版 10、(古希腊)柏拉图著,王太庆译《柏拉图对话集》(The Dialogues of Plato),商务印书馆 2004 年版 11、包伟民编选《历史学基础文献选读》,浙江大学出版社 2007 年版 12、(西汉)司马迁撰,顾颉刚等标点...
The dialogues of Plato are a good example of informal logic.
Parmenides is one of the dialogues of Plato. It is widely considered to be one of the more, if not the most, challenging and enigmatic of Plato's dialogues.
We know Socrates chiefly through what Plato recorded of him in the famous Dialogues.
Plato wrote the dialogues as a kind of learning device, as a tool to help the reader get better at doing philosophy.
In one of Plato's lesser known dialogues he makes a statement--the following statement, which I think shows both the typical arrogance of the Greeks and also says something true.
Now, as I say, many times when you read the dialogue, this or other dialogues by Plato, it seems as though he's fully cognizant of the objections that at least an attentive reader will raise about earlier stages of the argument.