Dionysus was the god of wine. He was the son of Zeus by Semele.
If taking the spirit of the God of wine as the stand, we can analyze and the find out the profound enthusiasm of Dionysus embodied in Pushkin's works written in his.
She asked the help of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who gave her beauty Dionysus, the god of wine, added nectar3 to give her a sweet scent, and the three Graces4 gave her charm, brightness and joy.
克罗斯请求爱神阿佛洛狄特赋予了它美丽的容貌; 让酒神狄俄尼索斯浇洒了神酒,使它拥有了芬芳的气味。 又有美惠三女神将魅力、聪颖和欢乐赐予了它。