...户评分: 8分 软件大小:72.24 MB 中世纪2全面战争:英法百年战争MOD 中世纪2全面战争MOD:英法百年战争(The Hundred Years War),百年战争(Hundr..
During the seven years after the outbreak of the War, I managed to send her several hundred yuan and some photos of myself.
For most of the next hundred years, white southerners ardently subverted the promises of the civil-war amendments by enacting the segregationist policies that came to be known as Jim Crow laws.
The border skirmishes with the British continued for the next hundred years and eventually led to the Duar War (1864c65) in which Bhutan lost.
在之后的几百年里不丹在边境与英国时有战事发生,最终导致Duar War(1964 - 1965年),不丹战败。