罗伯特·赖特在其杰作《性、进化、达尔文》(the moral animal)一书中所言:“人类这种动物一讲到道德就头头是道,但可悲的是人自己老是误用道德,最惨的是误用道德后还浑然不知。
The real point of the cautionary tale, says animal behaviorist Herzau, is that the labels we put on things can affect our moral responses to them.
动物行为学家 Herzau 说,这个警示故事的真正意义在于,我们给事物贴上的标签会影响我们对事物的道德反应。
Once the research animal hits the floor and becomes an escapee, says Herza, its moral standard is instantly diminished.
While one might think that these oddities are examples of some kind of moral breakdown in the animal kingdom, it turns out that hybridization among distinct species is not so rare.